Abu Ghurab, Field-Work Season 2022

The Italian-Polish Archaeological Mission at Sun Temple of Niuserra at Abu Ghurab:

Field-Work Season 2022

Massimiliano Nuzzolo and Mohamed Osman

Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures – Polish Academy of Sciences

Between April 23 and May 30, 2022, the Italian-Polish Archaeological Mission at Sun Temple of Niuserra at Abu Ghurab conducted its eight field-work season in the site. This is the second season after the launch of the “Sun Temples Project” (www.suntemplesproject.org), carried out at the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the University of Naples L’Orientale and under the auspices of the National Science Center of Poland (grant no. UMO- 2019/34/E/HS3/00438).

In this lecture, after a brief introduction to the main coordinates of the sun temples matter, we will present the main results of the 2022 field-work season. This includes, among others, important findings such as:

  1. New architectural elements pertaining the stone temple of Niuserra and related to its construction technique and phases;
  2. New archaeological elements pertaining to the early phases of occupation of the site and related to the construction of a in mudbrick temple earlier than the stone temple of Niuserra;
  3. Three intact pottery contexts dated back to the First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom;