Massimiliano Nuzzolo
Mohamed Osman
(Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures – Polish Academy of Sciences)
Between September 23 and October 31, 2022, the Italian-Polish Archaeological Mission at Sun Temple of Niuserra at Abu Ghurab conducted its ninth field-work season. This was the second season of the year as well as the third season after the launch of the “Sun Temples Project” (, carried out at the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences under the auspices of the National Science Center of Poland (grant no. UMO-2019/34/E/HS3/00438) and in partnership with the University of Naples L’Orientale (research project “Constructing the Sacred Space in Ancient Egypt”; project director: Rosanna Pirelli).
The season continued the investigation of the main temple enclosure with a specific focus on the north-western sector of the temple and the area around the central alabaster altar. The excavation of this year contributed to improve our knowledge of the early phases of occupation of the site, with a particular reference to the plan and architecture of the mudbrick temple laying below the stone temple of Niuserra and probably to be identified as one of the four missing sun temples.
The investigation of this year also gave us valuable information on the material culture of the site: the pottery documentation seems to indicate that the site might have been in use already starting from the Third Dynasty but also clarifies the fact that vessels and other material from the earlier dynasties were often in use outside of their original context, probably as cultic material provided with a sacred nature.
Last but not least, this season field-work helped us clarifying the architecture of the stone temple of Niuserra and its construction technique and phases, especially in relationship with the later phases of re-occupation of the temple for domestic activities.