North Asasif is the name for a natural continuation of the northern slope moving eastwards from the Deir el-Bahari rock amphitheatre. Research conducted by the PCMA Expedition began in this area in 2013.

The work being undertaken by the expedition from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, focuses on the rock-cut tombs, dating to the Middle Kingdom and reused intensively in later periods. Comprehensive archaeological and epigraphic work, as well as restoration and reconstruction activities, are being carried out in two decorated tombs located at the western and eastern ends of the North Asasif slope: Khety (TT 311/MMA 508) and Meru (TT 240/MMA 517). Other tombs investigated by the Expedition, numbered MMA 507, MMA 509a, MMA 511, MMA 512, TT 314/MMA 513, MMA 514, and MMA 515, are located in the central part of this area.

During the last season, the research by the Expedition was undertaken in two parts: the Autumn season, which lasted from 10th November to 11th December 2022, and the Spring season, from 30th January to 16th March 2023.
Archaeological activities
During the Autumn as well as Spring seasons, the activities of the Expedition were focused on excavations in the courtyards of two tombs, TT 311/MMA 508 (Khety) and TT 314/MMA 513. In the courtyard of the latter tomb, the excavations and the documentation of a mud-brick cult chapel – the remains of which had been discovered in the previous seasons – were completed. Besides, numerous fragments of the Middle Kingdom funerary equipment as well as crocodile remains have been discovered. The excavations in both these areas will be continued during the next seasons.
Site management
During the Spring season 2023, the final preparations were made for the opening ceremony of the tomb of Meru, TT 240, where the works by the Expedition were completed in the preceding season, Spring 2022. These included the preparation of a path enabling the entrance to the tomb, installation of the information boards, finishing the construction of a wooden floor and a security system (balustrades), as well as installation of lighting inside the tomb.
The official opening took place on 9th February 2023 in a ceremony that was attended by Dr Mustafa Waziri (Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities), Dr Anna Wodzińska (director of the PCMA UW Research Centre in Cairo), Dr Zahi Hawass, many high officials from the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, and members of foreign archaeological missions.